CDE Learning Center stands as a leading force in developing industry professionals through innovative and results-oriented training approaches.

We are wholeheartedly committed to optimizing industry standards through high-quality education and widely recognized certification.

By focusing on practical skill development and relevant knowledge, we are able to guide individuals and organizations to achieve their highest potential.

Background, Purpose, Strategy & Targets

We prioritize the best quality of education to develop educated characters.


  1. To be a leading, sustainable, and responsible mining training company and a center for superior human resource development.

  2. To develop professional and competent human resources in the mining sector through quality training and education.

  3. To build strong collaborations with various parties, including the government, educational institutions, and the community.

  4. To make a positive contribution to the progress of the nation and country.


To become the best training and education center in Indonesia.


  1. Developing high-quality training and education programs.

  2. Expanding collaboration networks with various parties.

  3. Enhancing the quality and competence of the workforce.


  1. Improving the competency level of training participants.

  2. Establishing collaborations with mining companies and other industries in Indonesia.

Our Professional Teachers


Herry Permana is a senior instructor and experienced lead assessor in the mining industry. Herry Permana possesses extensive knowledge of the best methodologies in managing natural resources. He is ready to guide and direct training and certification schemes.

Dr.Ing. Herry Permana, ST., Msc

Lead Asesor dan Pengajar


With a background as a practitioner, Occupational Safety and Health Instructor, and extensive practical experience in the field of competence, able to integrate the latest theory and practice into learning. Committed to implementing effective OHS practices in the workplace.

Rinto Andrianto,ST., MSi

Asesor dan Pengajar


With deep experience as an assessor and mining inspector, Faisal has comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the mining industry. Capable of implementing knowledge in an actual work ecosystem.

Faisal, T.C

Asesor dan Pengajar


An experienced and highly qualified OHS trainer, ready to provide comprehensive and effective training in occupational safety and health. With in-depth knowledge of OHS regulations and industry best practices, Hendrajati is able to enhance safety culture to reduce the risk of accidents in the workplace.

Hillarius Petrus De Rosari, S.Sos, MT

Asesor dan Pengajar


An experienced and highly qualified OHS trainer, ready to provide comprehensive and effective training in occupational safety and health. With in-depth knowledge of OHS regulations and industry best practices, Hendrajati is able to enhance safety culture to reduce the risk of accidents in the workplace.

Hendrajati, MM

Asesor dan Pengajar


Mariyanti is an instructor and assessor with over 13 years of experience as an Occupational Safety and Health trainer in the Mining, Oil and Gas, and Environmental sectors to improve the quality of industrial workers.

Mariyanti, S.E

Asesor dan Pengajar


With 30 years of experience in various strategic positions in the Mining and Oil/Gas industries in Indonesia, Yogi Sasongko is a lecturer in the field of Geology, a discipline that underpins the mining sector to improve the quality of mining ecosystem management.

Ir. Yogi Sasongko, MSc



With a background as a practitioner and instructor in the mining sector, Hadisyah Putra is an instructor who has long been involved in the mining and mine planning field. His experience in organizing a mining ecosystem into a strong value system is a key asset for sustainability.

Hadisyah Putra, ST



Budi Hendrawan is a geologist with over 25 years of experience in the mining industry. Budi Hendrawan has also served as a director at one of the coal mining companies, where he oversaw operations, ensured compliance with industry standards, and promoted innovative mining practices.

Ir. Buddy Hendrawan



Supported by superior facilities, we have become a leading training and education center in Indonesia.

Professional Instructors

Experienced and certified instructors with assessor qualifications in their fields.

Training Modules

As a quality guarantee for participants, we provide easy-to-understand training modules that align with the topics discussed.

Training Kit

Learning support media specially designed for training participants.

Training Rooms

Comfortable facilities equipped with multimedia devices that support participants' learning.

Start the training now!

Achieve your dream of enhancing your competence with CDE Learning Center